Template:Data export/vbs
De Awesome Baozam
' This Sub downloads the FILE specified in myUrl to the file specified in mySaveTo. Const myDevice = "<HOSTID>", myUser = "<USR>", myPwd = "<PASSWORD>" Const myHost = "baozam.net", mySaveTo = "D:\baozam.csv" Const myPeriod = "259200", mySTime = "0", myStep = "g1d" HTTPDownload "https://" + myHost + "/index.php?action=csv&hosts=" + myDevice + "&period=" + myPeriod + "&stime=" + mySTime + "&step=" + myStep Sub HTTPDownload( myUrl ) ' Based on a script found on the Thai Visa forum ' http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=21832 ' by Rob van der Woude ' http://www.robvanderwoude.com/vbstech_internet_download.php ' Standard housekeeping Dim i, objFile, objFSO, objHTTP Const ForReading = 1, ForWriting = 2, ForAppending = 8 ' Create a File System Object Set objFSO = CreateObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ) ' Create the target file Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile( mySaveTo, True, True ) ' overwrite, unicode ' Create an HTTP object Set objHTTP = CreateObject( "WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1" ) ' Download the specified URL objHTTP.Open "POST", myUrl, False 'objHTTP.Option(4) = &H3300 'WinHttpRequestOption_SslErrorIgnoreFlags = 0x3300 objHTTP.setRequestHeader "myHost", myHost objHTTP.SetRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" objHTTP.Send "name=" + myUser + "&password=" + myPwd ' Write the downloaded byte stream to the target file For i = 1 To LenB( objHTTP.ResponseBody ) objFile.Write Chr( AscB( MidB( objHTTP.ResponseBody, i, 1 ) ) ) Next ' Close the target file objFile.Close( ) End Sub